We often get asked for advice about the best way to charge our lithium batteries and so we thought we’d share it.
X-Series Batteries
The charging program is not timed: it works on voltage and amp information, so it’s impossible to say how long a battery takes to charge. There are individual cells within the battery, and these require balancing, which can lengthen the process.
Charging works on a “traffic light” system.
1) Red – this indicates the main charge cycle, this will take the battery to approx 95% of full charge.
2) Amber – this indicates the final stage of charging, after voltage has been reached, which will take the battery to the maximum capacity
3) Green – this indicates that the charge cycle has finished.
Very occasionally, the charger may not complete the cell balancing exactly and remain on the amber light. If this happens the charger may need re-setting. It is possible for the charger to remain on amber for up to 12 hours or more during cell balancing, but if it has stayed on amber for 24 hours or more then it is better to reset the charger and start again.
To reset the charger, disconnect it from the battery, then disconnect it from the power, reconnect it to the battery (ensuring the light has gone out) and then turn the power back on.
Always start a charging cycle with the charger unplugged and turned off, then connect the charger to the battery, plug in the charger and switch it on.
If the battery is being used regularly (once a week for example), it is OK to leave it connected to the charger, with the charger turned on. The Battery Management System (BMS) within the battery will prevent any damage.
If you plan to leave the battery for longer periods the battery should be fully charged after its last game, disconnected from the charger and stored in a dry environment between 0 and 20 degrees Centigrade. Once a month you should put the battery through a full charge cycle. Before using it again the battery should be fully charged.
F1 Lithium Batteries
The F1-S battery has a BMS (battery management system) inside that is there to protect the battery and increase its life. Part of this protection is the sleep mode, which it will go in to if the battery is not used for 24 hours.
Therefore the charging advice is as follows:
1. After playing, plug the battery in to charger and wait for the light to go green. A complete charge cycle should take a maximum of 6 hours.
2. Disconnect the charger and battery and store. If left for more than 24 hours it will now go to sleep.
3. The night before you play, or in the morning, wake up the battery by plugging in to the charger for 30 seconds. Test with the trolley to ensure it is awake, then you’re good to play.
4. Indicated by either a red or orange light. Press the on/off switch* which is located below the screen. Then insert the battery into the chassis.
*Pressing the on/off switch before inserting the battery into the trolley ensures that the battery guage is reset.
Always keep an eye on the screen as it will provide various messages as to what the trolley is doing, including when to change the battery in the handset.